『中小企業 新ものづくり・新サービス展』にも出展いたします。
' ; return; } } // too much content // ================ if ($R.parsingOptions._elements_too_much_content.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $R.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_node, true)); switch (true) { case (_tag_name == 'h1' && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2))): case (_tag_name == 'h2' && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2 * 3))): case ((_tag_name.match(/^h(3|4|5|6)$/) != null) && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2 * 5))): case ((_tag_name.match(/^(b|i|em|strong)$/) != null) && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 5 * 5))): $R.debugOutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'too-much-content'); _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) ; return; } } // empty elements // ============== switch (true) { case (($R.parsingOptions._elements_self_closing.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): case (($R.parsingOptions._elements_ignore_tag.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): case (_tag_name == 'td'): break; default: var _contents = _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)); _contents = _contents.replace(/(
)/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(/(
)/gi, ''); // for rows, clear empty cells if (_tag_name == 'tr') { _contents = _contents.replace(/]*?>/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(/< \/td>/gi, ''); } // for tables, clear empty rows if (_tag_name == 'table') { _contents = _contents.replace(/]*?>/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(/< \/tr>/gi, ''); } var _contentsLength = $R.measureText__getTextLength(_contents); switch (true) { case (_contentsLength == 0 && _tag_name == 'p'): _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + '
'; return; case (_contentsLength == 0): case ((_contentsLength < 5) && ($R.parsingOptions._elements_visible.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): $R.debugOutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'blank'); _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before); return; } break; } // too much missing // ================ if ($R.parsingOptions._elements_link_density.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $R.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_node, true)); var _contents = _global__the_html .substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) .replace(/(< ([^>]+)>)/gi, ''), _contentsLength = $R.measureText__getTextLength(_contents), _initialLength = 0 + _explored._length__all_text + (_explored._count__images_small * 10) + (_explored._count__images_skip * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('iframe').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('object').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('embed').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('button').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('input').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('select').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('textarea').length * 10) ; // too much missing switch (true) { case (!(_contentsLength > 0)): case (!(_initialLength > 0)): case (!((_contentsLength / _initialLength) < 0.5)): case (!(($R.language == 'cjk') && (_contentsLength / _initialLength) < 0.1)): case ((_global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor && ((_explored._length__plain_text / _global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor._length__plain_text) > 0.25))): case (($R.language == 'cjk') && (_global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor && ((_explored._length__plain_text / _global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor._length__plain_text) > 0.1))): break; default: $R.debugOutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'missing-density'); _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before); return; } } // return return; }; // actually do it _recursive(_nodeToBuildHTMLFor); // return html return _global__the_html; }; // article title marker // ==================== $R.articleTitleMarker__start = '
'; $R.articleTitleMarker__end = '
'; // article title check function // ============================ $R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML = function (_html) { return (_html.substr(0, $R.articleTitleMarker__start.length) == $R.articleTitleMarker__start); }; // article title get function // ============================ $R.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML = function (_html) { // is it there? if ($R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_html)); else { return ''; } // regex var _getTitleRegex = new RegExp($R.articleTitleMarker__start + '(.*?)' + $R.articleTitleMarker__end, 'i'), _getTitleMatch = _html.match(_getTitleRegex) ; // match? if (_getTitleMatch); else { return ''; } // return return _getTitleMatch[1]; }; // find title in arbitrary html // ============================ $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML = function (_html, _document_title) { // can't just use (h1|h2|h3|etc) -- we want to try them in a certain order // ============================= var _heading_pregs = [ /< (h1)[^>]*?>([\s\S]+?)< \/\1>/gi, /< (h2)[^>]*?>([\s\S]+?)< \/\1>/gi, /< (h3|h4|h5|h6)[^>]*?>([\s\S]+?)< \/\1>/gi ], _secondary_headings = '|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|', _search_document_title = ' ' + _document_title.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ') + ' ' ; // loop pregs // ========== for (var i=0, _i=_heading_pregs.length; i -1)): // will continue loop break; default: // measurements var _heading_end_pos = _heading_pregs[i].lastIndex, _heading_start_pos = (_heading_end_pos - _match[0].length), _heading_type = _match[1], _heading_text = _match[2].replace(/< \s*br[^>]*>/gi, '').replace(/[\n\r]+/gi, ''), _heading_text_plain = _heading_text.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' '); _heading_length = $R.measureText__getTextLength(_heading_text_plain), _heading_words = [], _to_heading_text = _html.substr(0, _heading_start_pos), _to_heading_length = $R.measureText__getTextLength(_to_heading_text.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) ; // return? switch (true) { case (!(_heading_length > 5)): case (!(_heading_length < (65 * 3))): case (!(_to_heading_length < (65 * 3 * 2))): // will continue for loop break; case ((_secondary_headings.indexOf('|' + _heading_type + '|') > -1)): // words in this heading _heading_words = _heading_text_plain.split(' '); // count words present in title for (var j=0, _j=_heading_words.length, _matched_words=''; j -1) { _matched_words += _heading_words[j] + ' '; } } // break continues for loop // nothing goes to switch's default // ================================ // no break? var _no_break = false; switch (true) { // if it's big enough, and it's a substring of the title, it's good case ((_heading_length > 20) && (_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) > -1)): // if it's slightly smaler, but is exactly at the begging or the end case ((_heading_length > 10) && ((_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) == 1) || (_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) == (_search_document_title.length - 1 - _heading_text_plain.length)))): _no_break = true; break; } // break? var _break = false; switch (true) { // no break? case (_no_break): break; // heading too long? -- if not h2 case ((_heading_length > ((_search_document_title.length - 2) * 2)) && (_heading_type != 'h2')): // heading long enough? case ((_heading_length < Math.ceil((_search_document_title.length - 2) * 0.50))): // enough words matched? case ((_heading_length < 25) && (_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.75))): case ((_heading_length < 50) && (_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.65))): case ((_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.55))): _break = true; break; } // break? if (_break) { break; } default: // this is the title -- do isolation; return // ================= return '' + $R.articleTitleMarker__start + _heading_text + $R.articleTitleMarker__end + _html.substr(_heading_end_pos) ; } break; } } // return unmodified return _html; }; $R.getContent__find = function () { // get content // =========== var _found = $R.getContent__findInPage($R.win), _targetNode = _found._targetCandidate.__node, _$targetNode = $(_targetNode), _aboveNodes = [] ; // RTL // === switch (true) { case (_$targetNode.attr('dir') == 'rtl'): case (_$targetNode.css('direction') == 'rtl'): $R.makeRTL(); break; } // get html // ======== var _foundHTML = _found._html, _firstFragmentBefore = $R.getContent__nextPage__getFirstFragment(_foundHTML), _documentTitle = ($R.document.title > '' ? $R.document.title : '') ; // get title // ========= // has title already? _foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, _documentTitle); $R.articleTitle = $R.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML(_foundHTML); $R.debugPrint('TitleSource', 'target'); // get html above? if ($R.articleTitle > ''); else { // get html above target? // ====================== // global vars: // _found // _foundHTML // _documentTitle // _aboveNodes var _prevNode = _found._targetCandidate.__node, _prevHTML = '', _aboveHTML = '', _differentTargets = (_found._firstCandidate.__node != _found._targetCandidate.__node) ; (function () { while (true) { // the end? switch (true) { case (_prevNode.tagName && (_prevNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body')): case (_differentTargets && (_prevNode == _found._firstCandidate.__node)): // enough is enough return; } // up or sideways? if (_prevNode.previousSibling); else { _prevNode = _prevNode.parentNode; continue; } // previous _prevNode = _prevNode.previousSibling; // outline -- element might be re-outlined, when buildHTML is invoked if ($R.debug) { $R.debugOutline(_prevNode, 'target', 'add-above'); } // get html; add _prevHTML = $R.getContent__buildHTMLForNode(_prevNode, 'above-the-target'); _aboveHTML = _prevHTML + _aboveHTML; _aboveNodes.unshift(_prevNode); // isolate title _aboveHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML, _documentTitle); // finished? switch (true) { case ($R.measureText__getTextLength(_aboveHTML.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) > (65 * 3 * 3)): case ($R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML)): return; } } })(); // is what we found any good? // ========================== switch (true) { case ($R.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML)): case (_differentTargets && (_aboveHTML.split('<a ').length < 3) && ($R.measureText__getTextLength(_aboveHTML.replace(/<[^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) < (65 * 3))): _foundHTML = _aboveHTML + _foundHTML; break; default: _aboveHTML = ''; _aboveNodes = []; break; } $R.articleTitle = $R.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML(_foundHTML); $R.debugPrint('TitleSource', 'above_HTML'); // get document title? if ($R.articleTitle > ''); else { // if all else failed, get document title // ====================================== // global vars: // _foundHTML // _documentTitle (function () { // return? // ======= if (_documentTitle > ''); else { return; } // vars var _doc_title_parts = [], _doc_title_pregs = [ /( [-][-] |( [-] )|( [>][>] )|( [< ][<] )|( [|] )|( [\/] ))/i, /(([:] ))/i ] ; // loop through pregs // ================== for (var i=0, _i=_doc_title_pregs.length; i<_i; i++) { // split _doc_title_parts = _documentTitle.split(_doc_title_pregs[i]); // break if we managed a split if (_doc_title_parts.length > 1) { break; } } // sort title parts -- longer goes higher up -- i.e. towards 0 // ================ _doc_title_parts.sort(function (a, b) { switch (true) { case (a.length > b.length): return -1; case (a.length < b.length): return 1; default: return 0; } }); // set title -- first part, if more than one word; otherwise, whole // ========= _foundHTML = '' + $R.articleTitleMarker__start + (_doc_title_parts[0].split(/\s+/i).length > 1 ? _doc_title_parts[0] : _documentTitle) + $R.articleTitleMarker__end + _foundHTML ; })(); $R.articleTitle = $R.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML(_foundHTML); $R.debugPrint('TitleSource', 'document_title'); } } // display // ======= $R.$pages.html(''); $R.displayPageHTML(_foundHTML, 1, $R.win.location.href); // remember // ======== $R.debugRemember['theTarget'] = _found._targetCandidate.__node; $R.debugRemember['firstCandidate'] = _found._firstCandidate.__node; // next // ==== $R.nextPage__firstFragment__firstPage = _firstFragmentBefore; $R.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage = $R.getContent__nextPage__getFirstFragment(_foundHTML);; $R.nextPage__loadedPages = [$R.win.location.href]; $R.getContent__nextPage__find($R.win, _found._links); // return return true; }; $R.getContent__findInPage = function (_pageWindow) { // calculations // ============ var _firstCandidate = false, _secondCandidate = false, _targetCandidate = false ; $R.debugTimerStart('ExploreAndGetStuff'); var _stuff = $R.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_pageWindow.document.body); $R.debugPrint('ExploreAndGetStuff', $R.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); $R.debugTimerStart('ProcessFirst'); var _processedCandidates = $R.getContent__processCandidates(_stuff._candidates); _firstCandidate = _processedCandidates[0]; _targetCandidate = _firstCandidate; $R.debugPrint('ProcessFirst', $R.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); // debug if ($R.debug) { // debug first candidates $R.log('First 5 Main Candidates:'); for (var x in _processedCandidates) { if (x == 5) { break; } $R.log(_processedCandidates[x], _processedCandidates[x].__node); } // highlight first $R.debugOutline(_firstCandidate.__node, 'target', 'first'); } // in case we stop $R.debugPrint('Target', 'first'); // do second? switch (true) { case (!(_firstCandidate._count__containers > 0)): case (!(_firstCandidate._count__candidates > 0)): case (!(_firstCandidate._count__pieces > 0)): case (!(_firstCandidate._count__containers > 25)): break; default: $R.debugTimerStart('ProcessSecond'); var _processedCandidatesSecond = $R.getContent__processCandidatesSecond(_processedCandidates); _secondCandidate = _processedCandidatesSecond[0]; $R.debugPrint('ProcessSecond', $R.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); // they're the same if (_firstCandidate.__node == _secondCandidate.__node) { break; } // debug if ($R.debug) { // log second candidates $R.log('First 5 Second Candidates:'); for (var x in _processedCandidatesSecond) { if (x == 5) { break; } $R.log(_processedCandidatesSecond[x], _processedCandidatesSecond[x].__node); } // highlight second $R.debugOutline(_secondCandidate.__node, 'target', 'second'); } // compute again // ============= _firstCandidate['__points_history_final'] = $R.getContent__computePointsForCandidateThird(_firstCandidate, _firstCandidate); _firstCandidate['__points_final'] = _firstCandidate.__points_history_final[0]; _secondCandidate['__points_history_final'] = $R.getContent__computePointsForCandidateThird(_secondCandidate, _firstCandidate); _secondCandidate['__points_final'] = _secondCandidate.__points_history_final[0]; // log results // =========== if ($R.debug) { $R.log('The 2 Candidates:'); $R.log(_firstCandidate); $R.log(_secondCandidate); } // are we selecting _second? // ========================= switch (true) { case ((_secondCandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters < 20) && (_secondCandidate.__points_final / _firstCandidate.__points_final) > 1): case ((_secondCandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters > 20) && (_secondCandidate.__points_final / _firstCandidate.__points_final) > 0.9): case ((_secondCandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters > 50) && (_secondCandidate.__points_final / _firstCandidate.__points_final) > 0.75): _targetCandidate = _secondCandidate; $R.debugPrint('Target', 'second'); break; } // print points // ============ if ($R.debug) { $R.debugPrint('PointsFirst', _firstCandidate['__points_history_final'][0].toFixed(2)); $R.debugPrint('PointsSecond', _secondCandidate['__points_history_final'][0].toFixed(2)); } break; } // highlight target // ================ if ($R.debug) { $(_targetCandidate.__node).css({ 'box-shadow': 'inset 0px 0px 50px rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.95), 0px 0px 50px rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.95)' }); } // get html // ======== $R.debugTimerStart('BuildHTML'); var _html = $R.getContent__buildHTMLForNode(_targetCandidate.__node, 'the-target'); _html = _html.substr((_html.indexOf('>')+1)) _html = _html.substr(0, _html.lastIndexOf('< ')); $R.debugPrint('BuildHTML', $R.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); $R.debugTimerStart('BuildHTMLPregs'); _html = _html.replace(/<(blockquote|div|p|td|li)([^>]*)>(\s*
)+/gi, '< $1$2>'); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+< \/(blockquote|div|p|td|li)>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+< (blockquote|div|h\d|ol|p|table|ul|li)([^>]*)>/gi, '< $2$3>'); _html = _html.replace(/< \/(blockquote|div|h\d|ol|p|table|ul|li)>(\s*
)+/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+/gi, '
'); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+/gi, '
'); $R.debugPrint('BuildHTMLPregs', $R.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); // return // ====== return { '_html': _html, '_links': _stuff._links, '_targetCandidate': _targetCandidate, '_firstCandidate': _firstCandidate }; }; // get first page fragment // ======================= $R.getContent__nextPage__getFirstFragment = function (_html) { // remove all tags _html = _html.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, ''); // normalize spaces _html = _html.replace(/\s+/gi, ' '); // return first 1000 characters return _html.substr(0, 2000); }; // get link parts // ============== // substr starting with the first slash after // $R.getURLPath = function (_url) { return _url.substr(_url.indexOf('/', (_url.indexOf('//') + 2))); }; // substr until the first slash after // $R.getURLDomain = function (_url) { return _url.substr(0, _url.indexOf('/', (_url.indexOf('//') + 2))) }; // find // ==== $R.getContent__nextPage__find = function (_currentPageWindow, _linksInCurrentPage) { // page id var _pageNr = ($R.nextPage__loadedPages.length + 1); // get // === var _possible = []; if (_possible.length > 0); else { _possible = $R.getContent__nextPage__find__possible(_currentPageWindow, _linksInCurrentPage, 0.5); } //if (_possible.length > 0); else { _possible = $R.getContent__nextPage__find__possible(_currentPageWindow, _linksInCurrentPage, 0.50); } // none if (_possible.length > 0); else { if ($R.debug) { $R.log('no next link found'); } return; } if ($R.debug) { $R.log('possible next', _possible); } // the one // ======= var _nextLink = false; // next keyword? // ============= (function () { if (_nextLink) { return; } for (var i=0, _i=_possible.length; i -1) { // length // ====== if (_possible[i]._caption.length > $R.nextPage__captionKeywords[j].length * 2) { continue; } // not keywords // ============ for (var z=0, _z=$R.nextPage__captionKeywords__not.length; z -1) { _nextLink = false; return; } } // got it // ====== _nextLink = _possible[i]; return; } } } })(); // caption matched page number // =========================== (function () { if (_nextLink) { return; } for (var i=0, _i=_possible.length; i ''); else { continue; } if ($R.measureText__getTextLength(_possible[i]._caption) < = 2); else { continue; } for (var j=0, _j=$R.nextPage__captionKeywords.length; j<_j; j++) { if (_possible[i]._title.indexOf($R.nextPage__captionKeywords[j]) > -1) { // length // ====== if (_possible[i]._title.length > $R.nextPage__captionKeywords[j].length * 2) { continue; } // not keywords // ============ for (var z=0, _z=$R.nextPage__captionKeywords__not.length; z -1) { _nextLink = false; return; } } // got it // ====== _nextLink = _possible[i]; return; } } } })(); // return? // ======= if (_nextLink); else { return; } // mark // ==== $R.debugPrint('NextPage', 'true'); if ($R.debug) { $R.debugOutline(_nextLink._node, 'target', 'next-page'); $R.log('NextPage Link', _nextLink, _nextLink._node); } // process page // ============ $R.getContent__nextPage__loadToFrame(_pageNr, _nextLink._href); $R.nextPage__loadedPages.push(_nextLink._href); }; // find with similarity // ==================== $R.getContent__nextPage__find__possible = function (_currentPageWindow, _linksInCurrentPage, _distanceFactor) { var _mainPageHref = $R.win.location.href, _mainPageDomain = $R.getURLDomain(_mainPageHref), _mainPagePath = $R.getURLPath(_mainPageHref) ; var _links = $.map ( _linksInCurrentPage, function (_element, _index) { var _href = _element.__node.href, _path = $R.getURLPath(_href), _title = (_element.__node.title > '' ? _element.__node.title.toLowerCase() : ''), _caption = _element.__node.innerHTML.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\&[^\&\s;]{1,10};/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ').replace(/^ /, '').replace(/ $/, '').toLowerCase(), _distance = $R.levenshteinDistance(_mainPagePath, _path) ; var _caption2 = ''; for (var i=0, _i=_caption.length, _code=0; i 127 ? ('&#'+_code+';') : _caption.charAt(i)); } _caption = _caption2; switch (true) { case (!(_href > '')): case (_mainPageHref.length > _href.length): case (_mainPageDomain != $R.getURLDomain(_href)): case (_href.substr(_mainPageHref.length).substr(0, 1) == '#'): case (_distance > Math.ceil(_distanceFactor * _path.length)): return null; default: // skip if already loaded as next page for (var i=0, _i=$R.nextPage__loadedPages.length; i b._distance): return 1; default: return 0; } }); // return return _links; }; // load to frame // ============= $R.getContent__nextPage__loadToFrame = function (_pageNr, _nextPageURL) { // do ajax // ======= $.ajax ({ 'url' : _nextPageURL, 'type' : 'GET', 'dataType' : 'html', 'async' : true, 'timeout': (10 * 1000), //'headers': { 'Referrer': _nextPageURL }, 'success' : function (_response, _textStatus, _xhr) { $R.getContent__nextPage__ajaxComplete(_pageNr, _response, _textStatus, _xhr); }, 'error' : function (_xhr, _textStatus, _error) { $R.getContent__nextPage__ajaxError(_pageNr, _xhr, _textStatus, _error); } }); }; // ajax calbacks // ============= $R.getContent__nextPage__ajaxError = function (_pageNr, _xhr, _textStatus, _error) { }; $R.getContent__nextPage__ajaxComplete = function (_pageNr, _response, _textStatus, _xhr) { // valid? // ====== if (_response > ''); else { return; } // script // ====== var _script = '' + '
' ; // get html // ======== var _html = _response; // normalize // ========= _html = _html.replace(/<\s+/gi, '<'); _html = _html.replace(/\s+>/gi, '>'); _html = _html.replace(/\s+\/>/gi, '/>'); // remove // ====== _html = _html.replace(/<script[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/<script[^>]*?\/>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/<noscript[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/noscript>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/<onload="*?" id="nextPageFrame__'+_pageNr+'" '="" +="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" '<iframe'="" $r.$nextpages.append(''="" =="==============" frame="" append="" body');="" _script+'<="" _html="_html.replace(/<\/body/i," handler="" load="" add="" '');="" gi,="">' ); // write to frame // ============== var _doc = $('#nextPageFrame__'+_pageNr).contents().get(0); _doc.open(); _doc.write(_html); _doc.close(); }; // loaded in frame // =============== $R.getContent__nextPage__loadedInFrame = function (_pageNr, _pageWindow) { // find // ==== var _found = $R.getContent__findInPage(_pageWindow), _foundHTML = _found._html, _removeTitleRegex = new RegExp($R.articleTitleMarker__start + '(.*?)' + $R.articleTitleMarker__end, 'i') ; // get first fragment // ================== var _firstFragment = $R.getContent__nextPage__getFirstFragment(_foundHTML); // gets first 2000 characters // diff set at 100 -- 0.05 switch (true) { case ($R.levenshteinDistance(_firstFragment, $R.nextPage__firstFragment__firstPage) < 100): case ($R.levenshteinDistance(_firstFragment, $R.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage) < 100): // mark $R.debugPrint('NextPage', 'false'); // mark again if ($R.debug) { $('#debugOutput__value__NextPage').html('false'); } // pop page $R.nextPage__loadedPages.pop(); // break return false; default: // add to first fragemnts $R.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage = _firstFragment; break; } // remove title -- do it twice // ============ // once with document title _foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, ($R.document.title > '' ? $R.document.title : '')); _foundHTML = _foundHTML.replace(_removeTitleRegex, ''); // once with article title _foundHTML = $R.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, $R.articleTitle); _foundHTML = _foundHTML.replace(_removeTitleRegex, ''); // display // ======= $R.displayPageHTML(_foundHTML, _pageNr, _pageWindow.location.href); // next // ==== $R.getContent__nextPage__find(_pageWindow, _found._links); }; // rewrites // ======== // rewrite displayPageHTML -- for multi-page articles // ======================= $R.displayPageHTML = function (_processedPageHTML, _pageNr, _pageURL) { // skip first if (_pageNr > 1); else { return; } // push to pages $C._nextPages.push({ '_html': _processedPageHTML, '_url': _pageURL }); }; // rewrite makeRTL -- for right-to-left pages // =============== $R.makeRTL = function () { $R.rtl = true; }; $R.makeNotRTL = function () { $R.rtl = false; } // set component object // ==================== window.ClearlyComponent = $C; window.$readable = $R; }
' ; return; case (_explored._count__images_medium == 1): _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__after-1) + ' class="readableLinkWithMediumImage">' + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) + '' ; return; } } // too much content if ($D.parseOptions._elements_too_much_content.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $D.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_node, true)); if (_explored && _explored._is__unskippable); else { switch (true) { case (_tag_name == 'h1' && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2))): case (_tag_name == 'h2' && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2 * 3))): case ((_tag_name.match(/^h(3|4|5|6)$/) != null) && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 2 * 5))): case ((_tag_name.match(/^(b|i|em|strong)$/) != null) && (_explored._length__all_text > (65 * 5 * 5))): $D.debugOutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'too-much-content'); _global__the_html = '' + _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) ; return; } } } // empty elements switch (true) { case (($D.parseOptions._elements_self_closing.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): case (($D.parseOptions._elements_ignore_tag.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): case (_tag_name == 'td'): break; default: var _contents = _global__the_html.substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)); _contents = _contents.replace(/(
)/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(/(
)/gi, ''); // for rows, clear empty cells if (_tag_name == 'tr') { _contents = _contents.replace(/]*?>/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(/< \/td>/gi, ''); } // for tables, clear empty rows if (_tag_name == 'table') { _contents = _contents.replace(/]*?>/gi, ''); _contents = _contents.replace(/< \/tr>/gi, ''); } var _contentsLength = $D.measureText__getTextLength(_contents); _explored = (_explored || $D.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_node, true)); if (_explored && _explored._is__unskippable); else { switch (true) { case (_contentsLength == 0 && _tag_name == 'p'): _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before) + '
'; return; case (_contentsLength == 0): case ((_contentsLength < 5) && ($D.parseOptions._elements_visible.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1)): $D.debugOutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'blank'); _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before); return; } } break; } // too much missing if ($D.parseOptions._elements_link_density.indexOf('|'+_tag_name+'|') > -1) { _explored = (_explored || $D.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_node, true)); if (_explored && _explored._is__unskippable); else { var _contents = _global__the_html .substr(_pos__start__after, (_pos__end__before - _pos__start__after)) .replace(/(< ([^>]+)>)/gi, ''), _contentsLength = $D.measureText__getTextLength(_contents), _initialLength = 0 + _explored._length__all_text + (_explored._count__images_small * 10) + (_explored._count__images_skip * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('iframe').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('object').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('embed').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('button').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('input').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('select').length * 10) + (_node.getElementsByTagName('textarea').length * 10) ; // too much missing switch (true) { case (!(_contentsLength > 0)): case (!(_initialLength > 0)): case (!((_contentsLength / _initialLength) < 0.5)): case (!(($D.language == 'cjk') && (_contentsLength / _initialLength) < 0.1)): case ((_global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor && ((_explored._length__plain_text / _global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor._length__plain_text) > 0.25))): case (($D.language == 'cjk') && (_global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor && ((_explored._length__plain_text / _global__exploreNodeToBuildHTMLFor._length__plain_text) > 0.1))): break; default: $D.debugOutline(_node, 'clean-after', 'missing-density'); _global__the_html = _global__the_html.substr(0, _pos__start__before); return; } } } // return return; }; // actually do it _recursive(_nodeToBuildHTMLFor); // return html return _global__the_html; }; // build html for node } // isolate title in html { // ======================= $D.articleTitleMarker__start = '
'; $D.articleTitleMarker__end = '
'; $D.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML = function (_html) { return (_html.substr(0, $D.articleTitleMarker__start.length) == $D.articleTitleMarker__start); }; $D.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML = function (_html) { // is it there? if ($D.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_html)); else { return ''; } // regex var _getTitleRegex = new RegExp($D.articleTitleMarker__start + '(.*?)' + $D.articleTitleMarker__end, 'i'), _getTitleMatch = _html.match(_getTitleRegex) ; // match? if (_getTitleMatch); else { return ''; } // return return _getTitleMatch[1]; }; $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML = function (_html, _document_title) { // use document title if ($D.$document.find('body').attr($D.parseOptions._use_document_title_attribute) == $D.parseOptions._use_document_title_attribute_value) { return _html; } // can't just use (h1|h2|h3|etc) // we want to try them in a certain order var _heading_pregs = [ /< (h1)[^>]*?>([\s\S]+?)< \/\1>/gi, /< (h2)[^>]*?>([\s\S]+?)< \/\1>/gi, /< (h3|h4|h5|h6)[^>]*?>([\s\S]+?)< \/\1>/gi ], _secondary_headings = '|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|', _search_document_title = ' ' + _document_title.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ') + ' ' ; // loop pregs for (var i=0, _i=_heading_pregs.length; i -1)): // will continue loop break; default: // measurements var _heading_end_pos = _heading_pregs[i].lastIndex, _heading_start_pos = (_heading_end_pos - _match[0].length), _heading_type = _match[1], _heading_text = _match[2].replace(/< \s*br[^>]*>/gi, '').replace(/[\n\r]+/gi, ''), _heading_text_plain = _heading_text.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' '); _heading_length = $D.measureText__getTextLength(_heading_text_plain), _heading_words = [], _to_heading_text = _html.substr(0, _heading_start_pos), _to_heading_length = $D.measureText__getTextLength(_to_heading_text.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) ; // return? switch (true) { case (!(_heading_length > 5)): case (!(_heading_length < (65 * 3))): case (!(_to_heading_length < (65 * 3 * 2))): // will continue for loop break; case ((_secondary_headings.indexOf('|' + _heading_type + '|') > -1)): // words in this heading _heading_words = _heading_text_plain.split(' '); // count words present in title for (var j=0, _j=_heading_words.length, _matched_words=''; j -1) { _matched_words += _heading_words[j] + ' '; } } // break continues for loop // nothing goes to switch's default // no break? // ========= var _no_break = false; switch (true) { // if it's big enough, and it's a substring of the title, it's good case ((_heading_length > 20) && (_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) > -1)): // if it's slightly smaler, but is exactly at the begging or the end case ((_heading_length > 10) && ((_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) == 1) || (_search_document_title.indexOf(_heading_text_plain) == (_search_document_title.length - 1 - _heading_text_plain.length)))): _no_break = true; break; } // break? // ====== var _break = false; switch (true) { // no break? case (_no_break): break; // heading too long? -- if not h2 case ((_heading_length > ((_search_document_title.length - 2) * 2)) && (_heading_type != 'h2')): // heading long enough? case ((_heading_length < Math.ceil((_search_document_title.length - 2) * 0.50))): // enough words matched? case ((_heading_length < 25) && (_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.75))): case ((_heading_length < 50) && (_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.65))): case ((_matched_words.length < Math.ceil(_heading_length * 0.55))): _break = true; break; } // break? // ====== if (_break) { break; } default: // this is the title -- do isolation; return return '' + $D.articleTitleMarker__start + _heading_text + $D.articleTitleMarker__end + $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML__balanceDivsAtStart(_html.substr(_heading_end_pos)) ; } break; } } // return unmodified return _html; }; $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML__balanceDivsAtStart__substrCount = function (_haystack, _needle, _offset, _length) { // http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net // + original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net) // + bugfixed by: Onno Marsman // + improved by: Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me) // + improved by: Thomas // * example 1: substr_count('Kevin van Zonneveld', 'e'); // * returns 1: 3 // * example 2: substr_count('Kevin van Zonneveld', 'K', 1); // * returns 2: 0 // * example 3: substr_count('Kevin van Zonneveld', 'Z', 0, 10); // * returns 3: false var cnt = 0; _haystack += ''; _needle += ''; if (isNaN(_offset)) { _offset = 0; } if (isNaN(_length)) { _length = 0; } if (_needle.length == 0) { return false; } _offset--; while ((_offset = _haystack.indexOf(_needle, _offset + 1)) != -1) { if (_length > 0 && (_offset + _needle.length) > _length) { return false; } cnt++; } return cnt; }; $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML__balanceDivsAtStart = function (_html) { // easy; remove all at begining var _h = _html.replace(/^(\s*< \s*\/\s*[^>]+>)+/gi, ''), _r = /< \s*\/\s*([^\s>]+?)[^>]*>/gi, _the_end_tag = '', _the_start_tag = '<div ', _end_tag_pos = -1, _last_pos = 0 ; // remove all unbalanced _end_tags for (var _i=0; _i<100; _i++) { _end_tag_pos = _h.indexOf(_the_end_tag, _last_pos); if (_end_tag_pos > -1); else { break; } var _sub = _h.substr(0, _end_tag_pos), _start_tags = $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML__balanceDivsAtStart__substrCount(_sub, _the_start_tag, _last_pos), _end_tags = ((_start_tags > 0) ? (1 + $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML__balanceDivsAtStart__substrCount(_sub, _the_end_tag, _last_pos)) : false) ; if ((!(_start_tags > 0)) || (_start_tags < _end_tags)) { _h = '' + _h.substr(0, _end_tag_pos) + _h.substr(_end_tag_pos + _the_end_tag.length) ; _last_pos = _end_tag_pos; } else { _last_pos = _end_tag_pos + 1; } } $D.log(_h); return _h; }; // isolate title in html } // find in page { // ============== $D.getContent__findInPage = function (_pageWindow) { // calculations // ============ var _firstCandidate = false, _secondCandidate = false, _targetCandidate = false ; $D.debugTimerStart('ExploreAndGetStuff'); var _stuff = $D.getContent__exploreNodeAndGetStuff(_pageWindow.document.body); $D.debugRemember('ExploreAndGetStuff', $D.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); $D.debugTimerStart('ProcessFirst'); var _processedCandidates = $D.getContent__processCandidates__first(_stuff._candidates); _firstCandidate = _processedCandidates[0]; _targetCandidate = _firstCandidate; $D.debugRemember('ProcessFirst', $D.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); // debug if ($D.debug) { // debug first candidates $D.log('First 5 Main Candidates:'); for (var x in _processedCandidates) { if (x == 5) { break; } $D.log(_processedCandidates[x], _processedCandidates[x].__node); } // highlight first $D.debugOutline(_firstCandidate.__node, 'target', 'first'); } // in case we stop $D.debugRemember('Target', 'first'); // do second? switch (true) { case (!(_firstCandidate._count__containers > 0)): case (!(_firstCandidate._count__candidates > 0)): case (!(_firstCandidate._count__pieces > 0)): case (!(_firstCandidate._count__containers > 25)): break; default: $D.debugTimerStart('ProcessSecond'); var _processedCandidatesSecond = $D.getContent__processCandidates__second(_processedCandidates); _secondCandidate = _processedCandidatesSecond[0]; $D.debugRemember('ProcessSecond', $D.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); // they're the same if (_firstCandidate.__node == _secondCandidate.__node) { break; } // debug if ($D.debug) { // log second candidates $D.log('First 5 Second Candidates:'); for (var x in _processedCandidatesSecond) { if (x == 5) { break; } $D.log(_processedCandidatesSecond[x], _processedCandidatesSecond[x].__node); } // highlight second $D.debugOutline(_secondCandidate.__node, 'target', 'second'); } // compute again // ============= _firstCandidate['__points_history_final'] = $D.getContent__computePointsForCandidate__third(_firstCandidate, _firstCandidate); _firstCandidate['__points_final'] = _firstCandidate.__points_history_final[0]; _secondCandidate['__points_history_final'] = $D.getContent__computePointsForCandidate__third(_secondCandidate, _firstCandidate); _secondCandidate['__points_final'] = _secondCandidate.__points_history_final[0]; // log results // =========== if ($D.debug) { $D.log('The 2 Candidates:'); $D.log(_firstCandidate); $D.log(_secondCandidate); } // are we selecting _second? // ========================= switch (true) { case ((_secondCandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters < 20) && (_secondCandidate.__points_final / _firstCandidate.__points_final) > 1): case ((_secondCandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters > 20) && (_secondCandidate.__points_final / _firstCandidate.__points_final) > 0.9): case ((_secondCandidate.__candidate_details._count__lines_of_65_characters > 50) && (_secondCandidate.__points_final / _firstCandidate.__points_final) > 0.75): _targetCandidate = _secondCandidate; $D.debugRemember('Target', 'second'); break; } // print points // ============ if ($D.debug) { $D.debugRemember('PointsFirst', _firstCandidate['__points_history_final'][0].toFixed(2)); $D.debugRemember('PointsSecond', _secondCandidate['__points_history_final'][0].toFixed(2)); } break; } // highlight target // ================ if ($D.debug) { $CJ(_targetCandidate.__node).css({ 'box-shadow': 'inset 0px 0px 50px rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.95), 0px 0px 50px rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.95)' }); } // get html // ======== $D.debugTimerStart('BuildHTML'); var _html = $D.getContent__buildHTMLForNode(_targetCandidate.__node, 'the-target'); _html = _html.substr((_html.indexOf('>')+1)) _html = _html.substr(0, _html.lastIndexOf('< ')); $D.debugRemember('BuildHTML', $D.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); $D.debugTimerStart('BuildHTMLPregs'); _html = _html.replace(/<(blockquote|div|p|td|li)([^>]*)>(\s*
)+/gi, '< $1$2>'); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+< \/(blockquote|div|p|td|li)>/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+< (blockquote|div|h\d|ol|p|table|ul|li)([^>]*)>/gi, '< $2$3>'); _html = _html.replace(/< \/(blockquote|div|h\d|ol|p|table|ul|li)>(\s*
)+/gi, ''); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+/gi, '
'); _html = _html.replace(/(
\s*)+/gi, '
'); $D.debugRemember('BuildHTMLPregs', $D.debugTimerEnd()+'ms'); // return // ====== return { '_html': _html, '_links': _stuff._links, '_targetCandidate': _targetCandidate, '_firstCandidate': _firstCandidate }; }; // find in page } // start { // ======= $D.start = function () { // get content // =========== var _found = $D.getContent__findInPage($D.window), _found_links = _found._links, _targetNode = _found._targetCandidate.__node, _$targetNode = $CJ(_targetNode), _aboveNodes = [] ; // RTL // === switch (true) { case (_$targetNode.attr('dir') == 'rtl'): case (_$targetNode.css('direction') == 'rtl'): $D.makeRTL(); break; } // get html // ======== var _foundHTML = _found._html, _firstFragmentBeforeProcessing = $D.nextPage__getFirstFragment(_foundHTML), _documentTitle = ($D.document.title > '' ? $D.document.title : '') ; // get title // ========= // has title already? _foundHTML = $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_foundHTML, _documentTitle); $D.articleTitle = $D.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML(_foundHTML); $D.debugRemember('TitleSource', 'target'); // get html above? if ($D.articleTitle > ''); else { // get html above target? // ====================== // global vars: // _found // _foundHTML // _documentTitle // _aboveNodes var _prevNode = _found._targetCandidate.__node, _prevHTML = '', _aboveHTML = '', _differentTargets = (_found._firstCandidate.__node != _found._targetCandidate.__node) ; (function () { while (true) { // the end? switch (true) { case (_prevNode.tagName && (_prevNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body')): case (_differentTargets && (_prevNode == _found._firstCandidate.__node)): // enough is enough return; } // up or sideways? if (_prevNode.previousSibling); else { _prevNode = _prevNode.parentNode; continue; } // previous _prevNode = _prevNode.previousSibling; // outline -- element might be re-outlined, when buildHTML is invoked if ($D.debug) { $D.debugOutline(_prevNode, 'target', 'add-above'); } // get html; add _prevHTML = $D.getContent__buildHTMLForNode(_prevNode, 'above-the-target'); _aboveHTML = _prevHTML + _aboveHTML; _aboveNodes.unshift(_prevNode); // isolate title _aboveHTML = $D.getContent__find__isolateTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML, _documentTitle); // finished? switch (true) { case ($D.measureText__getTextLength(_aboveHTML.replace(/< [^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) > (65 * 3 * 3)): case ($D.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML)): return; } } })(); // is what we found any good? // ========================== switch (true) { case ($D.getContent__find__hasIsolatedTitleInHTML(_aboveHTML)): case (_differentTargets && (_aboveHTML.split('<a ').length < 3) && ($D.measureText__getTextLength(_aboveHTML.replace(/<[^>]+?>/gi, '').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ')) < (65 * 3))): _foundHTML = _aboveHTML + _foundHTML; break; default: _aboveHTML = ''; _aboveNodes = []; break; } // set title // ========= $D.articleTitle = $D.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML(_foundHTML); $D.debugRemember('TitleSource', 'above_HTML'); // get document title? if ($D.articleTitle > ''); else { // if all else failed, get document title // ====================================== // global vars: // _foundHTML // _documentTitle (function () { // return? // ======= if (_documentTitle > ''); else { return; } // vars var _doc_title_parts = [], _doc_title_pregs = [ /( [-][-] |( [-] )|( [>][>] )|( [< ][<] )|( [|] )|( [\/] ))/i, /(([:] ))/i ] ; // loop through pregs // ================== for (var i=0, _i=_doc_title_pregs.length; i<_i; i++) { // split _doc_title_parts = _documentTitle.split(_doc_title_pregs[i]); // break if we managed a split if (_doc_title_parts.length > 1) { break; } } // sort title parts -- longer goes higher up -- i.e. towards 0 // ================ _doc_title_parts.sort(function (a, b) { switch (true) { case (a.length > b.length): return -1; case (a.length < b.length): return 1; default: return 0; } }); // set title -- first part, if more than one word; otherwise, whole // ========= _foundHTML = '' + $D.articleTitleMarker__start + (_doc_title_parts[0].split(/\s+/i).length > 1 ? _doc_title_parts[0] : _documentTitle) + $D.articleTitleMarker__end + _foundHTML ; })(); // set title // ========= $D.articleTitle = $D.getContent__find__getIsolatedTitleInHTML(_foundHTML); $D.debugRemember('TitleSource', 'document_title'); } } // remember // ======== $D.debugRemember('theTarget', _found._targetCandidate.__node); $D.debugRemember('firstCandidate', _found._firstCandidate.__node); // result // ====== $D.nextPage__firstFragment__firstPage = _firstFragmentBeforeProcessing; $D.nextPage__firstFragment__lastPage = $D.nextPage__getFirstFragment(_foundHTML); $D.nextPage__firstLinks = _found_links; var _result = { '_html': _foundHTML, '_title': $D.articleTitle, '_rtl': $D.rtl } ; // add elements _result['_elements'] = _aboveNodes; _result['_elements'].push(_found._targetCandidate.__node); // return // ====== $D.callbacks.finished(_result); }; // start } // return self // =========== return $D; } // ]]>